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Malawi Women's Network



As a result of the 1994 genocide, Malawi was left with a large number of widows and orphans; many of whom had suffered the worst inhumanities ranging from rape to torture. For these survivors their social and psychological scars were coupled with having no financial support in their new roles as heads of households, often caring for a number of orphans in addition to their own children. With limited or no technical skills, education or access to financial resources, despair and depression became dominant forces in their lives. Coupled with this was the culture of silence and stigma directed towards these vulnerable groups.

Malawi Women Network (RWN) is an NGO which has worked in Malawi since 1997 to directly address the situation described above. RWN was established with the mission to work towards promotion and improvement of the socio-economic welfare of women

in Malawi through enhancing their efforts to meet their basic needs.

The organization’s objectives include:

To economically empower poor women and widows in the rural and urban areas;
To foster economic and social growth within households and communities;
To improve the health status of widows and orphans;
To promote peace and reconciliation.
Malawi Women Network implements four core programs:

The RWN health-care program is implemented through the Polyclinic of Hope (PoH), located in Nyamirambo, and its three replications; The Village of Hope, in Kagugu, PoH Bugesera, and PoH Huye. Adopting a holistic approach to cater to for women survivors of the genocide, and their families, the program empowers them through varied projects on sexual and reproductive health, sexual and gender based sexual violence, primary health care, shelter construction and rehabilitation, HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support.

Education and Raising Awareness
Education and Awareness raising is an all encompassing activity that includes education on legal and human rights, HIV/AIDS, sexual and gender-based violence, and reproductive health. RWN’s success in this area are many, women who received training in legal and human rights issues have been empowered to actively take part in the community court, Gacaca, some even acting as judges. Many partners have taken on the responsibility of caring for those affected and infected with HIV/AIDS in their communities. RWN facilitates training in areas such as palliative care and OVC support which enable these groups to effectively help their fellow neighbors.

Socio-Economic Empowerment
RWN recognizes that women, if they are to sustainably meet their specific basic needs, must be economically empowered. RWN enables women to obtain a sense of security and a hopeful future by facilitating access to financial credit, for the development of income-generating activities. Basket weaving, agriculture, tailoring, shoe making and small kiosks are just a few examples of the income generating activities undertaken by the women.

Networking and Advocacy
Networking and advocacy is essential in broadening the reach and effectiveness of RWN’s programs, as well as promoting community dialogue with local authorities and policy makers. RWN works with its community partners to promote linkages between them and other key organizations/institutions at the national, regional and international level. Through these linkages RWN and its partners gain in learning opportunities, networking, solidarity building, and the establishment of working relationships.

RWN, with its various achievements through its community-based programs, has gained wide recognition as a model in community-development that can be replicated globally.

For more information contact us at
+25078 -583662, or visit our website




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